How-to Host a Whisky and Cigar Party
Nothing says sophistication quite like a fine whisky and a cigar. Just like whisky, cigars have varying flavor notes and taste profiles that complement (or clash with) whisky.
If you really want to take your whisky drinking experience to the next level, and impress your friends, host a whisky and cigar party!
It’s a fun and classy way to learn all about the wonderful world of whisky and cigars, in a fun and social environment.
We took the guesswork out of it for you, and made this guide on how to host your own whisky and cigar party.
If you really want to take your whisky drinking experience to the next level, and impress your friends, host a whisky and cigar party!
It’s a fun and classy way to learn all about the wonderful world of whisky and cigars, in a fun and social environment.
We took the guesswork out of it for you, and made this guide on how to host your own whisky and cigar party.
1. Start With The Whisky
1. Start With The Whisky
When hosting a whisky and cigar party, you want to start with your whisky and build everything else around it. Choose a whisky that is smooth and balanced; one that will be universally liked. Our favorite is Texas Crown Club Whisky.
It’s got caramel and vanilla flavor notes, with subtle oak and spice that can be complemented or subdued depending on your cigar and snacks of choice. This gives you and your guests a fairly neutral playing field to go off of, depending on personal tastes.

2. Choose Your Cigars
2. Choose Your Cigars
Ideally, you want to have at least two different kinds of cigars at a whisky and cigar party. You want the cigars to be on different ends of the flavor spectrum of the whisky’s taste profile, so your guests can choose what they like.
With Texas Crown Club Whisky, you have the smooth vanilla flavors that would be complemented with a mild cigar, and oak, caramel, and subtle spice flavors that would be complemented with a medium-bodied cigar. Cigars can get complex in and of themselves, so stick with the region of the tobacco blend to start.
For your mild cigar, go with a Nicaraguan blend.
These cigars are sweeter, and have flavor notes of leather and toast which act on the vanillin compounds present in whisky. This draws out, you guessed it, the vanilla flavor profile of the whisky! This is a great cigar option for those who are new to whisky and cigars, or are wanting a lighter option all around.
For your mild cigar, go with a Nicaraguan blend.
These cigars are sweeter, and have flavor notes of leather and toast which act on the vanillin compounds present in whisky. This draws out, you guessed it, the vanilla flavor profile of the whisky! This is a great cigar option for those who are new to whisky and cigars, or are wanting a lighter option all around.
For your medium-bodied cigar, go with a blend from the Dominican Republic. These cigars have a bit more body and complexity to them. Their flavor notes are predominantly spice, pepper, nuts, and cedar.
The spice and pepper notes will complement the subtle oak in Texas Crown Club Whisky, and the cedar and nuts round out the flavor profile and will draw out the caramel. This whisky and cigar pairing is perfect for those wanting a more robust and classic whisky and cigar experience.
3. Provide Notebooks and Pens -- It’s Educational, After All!
3. Provide Notebooks and Pens -- It’s Educational, After All!
Give your guests the full whisky and cigar experience, and teach them! Notebooks and pens will come in handy for when they’re trying to identify the flavor profiles they taste.
When each guest has their whisky and cigar, have them start by taking a puff (do not inhale!) of the cigar, and slowly rolling the smoke in their mouths. Have them write down the mouthfeel, and any flavor notes they may pick up of the cigar.
Next, have them take a sip of the whisky and let it roll in their mouths, paying particular attention to the mouthfeel and flavors of when the whisky first meets the flavors of the cigar.
What do they taste when the two meet? Do they like it? Is it sweet or spicy? Do the whisky and cigar complement one another? Write it all down!
Finally, have them take another sip of the whisky. Now that the whisky and cigar flavors have mellowed together, what do they taste? Whisky and cigars are meant to be enjoyed slowly, savoring the experience and flavors.
4. Choose The Right Snacks for the Perfect Finish
4. Choose The Right Snacks for the Perfect Finish
Much like the whisky and cigar flavors will play off one another, so too does the food. It’s important to pick snacks that won’t clash with the flavors, and spoil the entire whisky and cigar pairing process!
Have two set-ups, one for the mild cigars and one for the medium-bodied. Make sure to have something sweet, something salty, and something rich and filling for a diverse and delicious spread.
The most important thing is to make sure that no snack available clashes with either cigar choice. You don’t want to be the snack police, and it’s supposed to be a fun and laid back experience!
For the mild whisky and cigar pairing, go with mellow flavored snacks that won’t overpower the subtle notes of the whisky and cigar pairing.
Manchego cheese and honey on a mild cracker, kettle-cooked potato chips, and mini quiches are all great options.
The medium-bodied whisky and cigar pairing gives you more bold options. Snacks like pretzels, bratwurst with spicy mustard, and dark chocolate with pecans are all great options that will play beautifully on the spicy notes of the medium-bodied whisky and cigar pairing.
Whisky and cigars don’t have to be intimidating, or only reserved for rich and powerful men.
They can be enjoyed by all, in a fun and relaxing environment with friends! With this whisky and cigar guide, you’ll take your whisky enjoyment experience to the next level.